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Significant Drop in Gasoline Prices in Israel

gasGasoline prices in Israel are expected to drop at midnight, 27 Tishrei 5774 (Monday night to Tuesday) by 43 agorot a liter. While the drop is significant, one should not get too excited as the price of gasoline in Israel remains quite high as compared to the United States.

The maximum price that will be permitted for 95 octane at a self-service pump will be 7.42 NIS/liter, the equivalent of $8.31/US gallon [based on the Bank of Israel closing exchange rate of $1 = 3.571 NIS of Sunday]. However the price reduction represents a 5.48% drop, and that is significant.

For a motorist wishing a full service pump, s/he will pay 18 agorot more per liter for the service provided by the attendant.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Although Israel does have much higher gas prices than the U.S keep in mind that in the U.S Ethanol is added to the gas which decreases gas mileage by 20%, whereas Israel you have pure gas which gets much better gas mileage

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