We have successfully secured Bushkill Falls Resort for this אלול זמן . We have arranged accommodations for several hundred בחורים. We will be learning the same לימוד as Mir in Yerushalayim. There will be a Chabura Hookup with Hagaon Harav Asher Arielli. The Rosh Chabura will be Harav Zev Reiss and Harav Betzalel Sofer . R Berel Kelemer, R Dovid Asher David
For more information please call R’ Reiss 908-330-1855 or R’ Betzalel Sofer 732-789-2027. The registration office can be reached at 732-994-7228 or[email protected]
Buses will be leaving on Monday at 3:00 from the Bais Horaah of Lakewood building on 4thand Madison.