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Adina Bar-Shalom: Abba Opened His Eyes & Recognized Me

ovMrs. Adina Bar-Shalom, the daughter of Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Ovadia Yosef Shlita told Kol Berama Radio on Sunday morning, 25 Tishrei 5774 that her father, Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Ovadia Yosef Shlita, opened his eyes and squeezed her hand, indicating her recognized her. Speaking with radio host Moti Lavi, Bar-Shalom explained she was going to visit her father later in the day together with her brothers, stating at present they are all optimistic regarding his recovery.

“He squeezed my hand a bit and his pupils moved slightly.” She calls on the tzibur to please continue being mispallel for the gadol hador, stressing the importance of these tefilos, adding “He will open his eyes and speak with me with HKBH’s help and the continued tefilos.”

She adds that while the doctors are uncertain if the rav recognizes his environment, “It is a matter of feeling and sensitivity, a matter of knowing abba. We know abba. It is not just a matter if sticking him [to determine if he responds] for that may cause him to close his eyes tighter but for us, our feelings are more significant.”

Mrs. Bar-Shalom added that she is absolutely certain that when Rav Chaim Ovadia held her hand and opened his eyes he recognized her.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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