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Numerous Simchas Torah Fires in Bnei Brak

ichud.thumbnailIchud Hatzalah reports there were numerous apartment fires in Bnei Brak during Simchas Torah. One fire was in a home on Ezra Street. Firefighters were Baruch Hashem successful in pulling out a number of people trapped in the apartment. The apartment building was evacuated until the blaze was extinguished.

A short time later firefighters were summoned to an apartment fire on Damesek Eliezer Street and yet another blaze on Hoshea Street. During the morning hours of Yomtov a fire broke out in the fourth floor of a building on Maimon Street near the Alexander Yeshiva. There was another fire during the afternoon on Tzfas Street.

B’chasdei Hashem there were no reports of loss of life or injuries in any of the fires.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Posted Motzei Simchas Torah in Eretz Yisrael)

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