Reply To: Yale hydroxy

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Old Crown Heights

“a decrease in hospitilizations. The study TRIED to show a decrease in mortality, but was unable to do so.”

– This I don’t get. The study showed a decrease in hospitalizations: I take this to mean that among those who took the Zelenko Protocol (HCQ+Zinc+) fewer patients got sick enough to require hospitalization. This sounds like a win. A major win certanily worth trying since the alleged danger from taking HCQ was false.
“Unable to show a decrease in death.” Certainly the opponents to HCQ aren’t claiming that Zelenko’s patients stayed home and died. So what do they mean?
The total death rate from COVID is low. People (especially if they don’t check all the risk-boxes, old, sick etc.) can get very sick, but then not die (even without HCQ+zinc). Zelenko didn’t claim that taking HCQ+zinc is the ONLY way people won’t die. What Zelenko claimed and the evidence that his patients required less hospitalization SHOWED (as I understand it with no medical knowledge) is that patents who take HCQ+Zinc+ early have a greater likelihood of beating COVID without the prolonged nasty battle which can require hospital, respiration etc. etc. If the protocol doesn’t decrease OVERALL DEATH, but helps (the people who might not DIE even without the protocol) prevent the need from hospitalization and the long crazy battle to beat the virus is that not reason enough to take the protocol?