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Pelosi: Republicans Goal Is Gov’t Shutdown

senCongresswoman Nancy Pelosi says Republicans are using their opposition to health-care reform as an excuse to shut down the federal government.

The California Democrat says anti-government ideologues dominate the GOP and for them forcing a shutdown would be a victory.

She says, however, that GOP efforts to derail health-care reform and shut down the government have “no prospect of prevailing.”

Pelosi says the goal of some in the GOP is to get the government out of the lives of Americans by handing Social Security over to private bankers and allowing Medicare to “wither on the vine.”

The former House speaker made her comments Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”


5 Responses

  1. No. 1: Your comment is absolute nonsense. I presume you believe it only because you need to justify in your own mind the irresponsible behavior of the right-most House Republicans.

    Neither Obamacare, nor food stamps, nor higher taxes on higher income Americans will destroy the country. But failure to implement Obamacare, continue food stamps and pay for it all with an improved tax system will.

  2. Yes, nfgo3—the only thing that can save this country from the abyss is obamacare and more foodstamps. Exhibit A in why LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER!

  3. Dr. NFGO3 as you have suggested these programs introduced and expended by Obama have had a chilling effect on the country. I guess you have an excuse as to why “disability” rolls have swelled under Obama as well.

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