Reply To: Hydroxychloroquine

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Ubiq -“systematic review of randomized controlled trials” that criticizes the idea that only RCT matter”
“This is why his study doesnt prove anythign”

I realize that his study is not a real study.
I think he had to put something in Print – Because he’s one of the few guys that are doing something about Covid19. He made national news.
This created a big Pushback from the Leftists, because Trump was on-board.
Btw, he gave his protocol to many Countries.
And one of them is Brazil.
I looked into Brazil. The President there is a Right-winger.
There also is a big Pushback about HCQ from the Leftists.
The picture that I’m Getting is that Human Life is NOT as important as Politics!

Here’s proof that Zinc & HCQ works for Covid19:
From MedXiv – A retrospective study – Author Carlucci….
“Conclusion: This study provides the first in vivo evidence that zinc sulfate in combination with hydroxychloroquine may play a role in therapeutic management for COVID-19.”