Reply To: H-a-s-h-e-m H-e-l-p M-e F-i-n-d A S-h-i-d-d-u-c-h-!-!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee H-a-s-h-e-m H-e-l-p M-e F-i-n-d A S-h-i-d-d-u-c-h-!-! Reply To: H-a-s-h-e-m H-e-l-p M-e F-i-n-d A S-h-i-d-d-u-c-h-!-!


Happy2Be, I have quite a few girlfriends who got married at 24 years old to amazing boys and they’re so happy now. One I believe was 25.
Just be open-minded and DO NOT turn down shidduchim without a VERY good reason
Ask advice if you need to.
And you will soon be married.
Trust me.
Let us know when it happens.