Reply To: Atlanta

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The DA that indicted him has more testimony and evidence than anybody posting here will ever have.
They have to try the case in a court and prove it to a judge and jury. They decided that what he did was wrong and they have enough evidence.

“Hopefully, the entire Atlanta police department will go on strike”. If they don’t want to be police officers , they can all resign or even better they can be fired. They will lose all of their benefits and seniority. There would be plenty of applicants for the open positions.
These police will never find another job. They are not 4 year college educated graduates. They are dedicated public servants .

If only Quay can so logically say that an interaction between a person drunkenly sleeping in their car and the police should not end with police executing him, then the USA has a real problem with GOP/Trump supported and approved police brutality.

Maybe there should be more riots against police brutality since the GOP/Trump so aggressively protested Colin Kapernicks peaceful protest. Maybe then you will wake up that many police are loose cannons and can be internally disciplined for years but never forced off the force.