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Bikur Cholim Honored by Maimonides Hospital

mmc1.gifBikur Cholim of Boro Park has worked hard  for many years to help ensure a safe blood supply for our community. It conducts numerous blood drives in the various frum communities in Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan. These blood drives are designed to help ensure that the blood supply at Maimonides Medical Center is as safe as possible. At a recent blood drive in Williamsburg, a record 228 donors rolled up their sleeves to help save lives.   Bikur Cholim also sends about 150 designated donors to a large variety of hospitals on behalf of heimishe people who are scheduled for surgery.

This past week, Pam Brier, President and CEO of Maimonides Medical Center,  presented Bikur Cholim with a special award in recognition of the almost 5,000 pints of blood that had been collected by Bikur Cholim in 2007 on behalf of  the hospital’s Blood Donor Program. Ms. Brier spoke glowingly of the special relationship between Bikur Cholim and Maimonides on many fronts and praised the “chesed” of the wonderful members of our communities that give of themselves to help the sick and needy.

This past year, Bikur Cholim conducted about 45  blood drives in Boro Park, Flatbush, Williamsburg, Manhattan, Staten Island, Far Rockaway and Crown Heights. In each case, the heimishe community came out in force in order to help ensure a safe blood supply for the hospital.  What a wonderful Kiddush Hashem.

Rabbi Shmuel Steinharter, Executive Director, along with Mrs.Esther Schoenblum,  Blood Drive Coordinator,  accepted the award on behalf of Bikur Cholim.  Also on hand were Chaim Schoenblum, Executive Officer of  Bikur Cholim,  and Rabbis Yossi Handler and Nosson Friedman who assist in all the drives.  Maimonides Hospital was also represented by Douglas Jablon, special assistant to the President, and Dr.Alicia Gomensoro, Director of the Blood Bank and members of her staff.

In addition to the community blood drives, Bikur Cholim regularly sends designated donors to all  Brooklyn and  Manhattan hospitals, for families requesting blood for their loved ones.  Hospitals in New York require 3-5 working days for blood to be tested.  Call the Bikur Cholim office @ 718-438-2020 for more information or to request a donor.

One Response

  1. What a great chesed for the frum community. Imagine 5,000 people lining up to give blood. What other community could duplicate that. Mi K’amcha Yisroel. Keep up the good work Bikur Cholim and Mrs. Schoenblum.

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