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Chicago Sees Spike In COVID Cases; Cook County On Tack To Having Most Cases In Nation

Cook County is set to overtake Queens, New York as the county with the most COVID-19 cases nationwide, according to a Chicago Sun-Times analysis.

Queens County reported a total of 56,889 cases on Wednesday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Cook County reported 56,406.

Sources tell YWN that Chicago Hatzalah had no COVID emergencies for around 10 days, and are now responding to 3-6 calls a day. There are now Frum patients that have been hospitalized in critical condition in the ICU – just from the past few days.

Doctors continue to warn people in NY/NJ that many people were never infected with the Coronavirus and are all susceptible to catching the virus. People are urged to follow doctors orders and continue with social distancing and other precautions.

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But while data suggests New York’s outbreak is on a downward trend from its peak, Wednesday marked Illinois’ worst day yet with 192 coronavirus deaths. Gov. J.B. Pritzker and state health officials say the state could remain in a peak through June, with one projection estimating as many as 300 deaths per day.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. Alas..despite this continuing increase in incidence and severity of cases in Chicago, and against the published “teshuvos” of the Agudath Israel of America and the Orthodox Union/RCA there are certain mosdos that have opened up Minyaminm have been held daily, masks are not alwyas worn distancing is not enforced….
    They may be talmidei chachamim, but there actions are foolish. And, R”L , endangering the Chicago kehilla and its members.

    Hashem yerachem alaihem.

  2. Bunch of hogwash!!
    Sheker and fake news! Post your source please…
    There is maybe three mild cases here in the last few weeks and just a random minyan of 10 ppl with fully observed social distancing. 99% of city holding strong and no minyanim.
    Fake news should stay on the East Coast! Don’t pollute us with your falshkeit!

  3. Chicago rabbanim don’t allow minyanim, Lakewood rabbonim do. Chicago has new cases, Lakewood does not. So everyone stop yelling about socially distanced minyanim spreading the virus- it doesn’t!!

  4. a few questios
    did frum chicago have its crazy weeks and than 10 days of quiet & now a spike or did they never have the peak?

  5. the hatred of talmidai chachamim and the negativity of frum jews is apparent in rofehadama’s comment. sadly, some orthodx jews have learnt from the anti-semitic press to blame all the worlds problems on the jews with beards. please, just cut it out. (the supermarkets, the general large population, or the negligence of store employers to sanitize adequately can all be the cause, among other possibilities)

  6. rofehardamah, that is so utterly untrue! I live in Chicago and neither I nor any of my family members or neighbors or acquaintances have been to a minyan since the beginning of march. name me 1 mosad in chicago with daily minyanim.
    Such a thing does. not. exist. Period.
    Everyone is social distancing with masks and gloves according to the CDC and guidelines of our Rabbonim.
    Please confirm your lies before you spout them to the world. Thank you.
    B’suros tovos.

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