Chabad Shaliach Speaks of his Life-Saving Visa Experience

cycl 31.jpgChabad shaliach Rav Dovid Hadad, who oversees his organization’s educational institutions in Bangkok, thought his scheduled flight to Myanmar (Burma) would be another routine trip in the course of his slichus.

Some two weeks ago, Rav Hadad was asked by chief shaliach Rav Yosef Chaim Kantor to come to Myanmar to print sefer Tanya in that location. Rav Yosef Yitzchak is aware of Rav Hadad’s experience in the area, prompting him to select him for the mission.

Upon his arrival at the airport, the rabbi presented his passport and ticket but the airline employee asked for his visa. The rabbi explained he was unaware a visa was required and asked if the paperwork could be done on the spot. He was told this was an impossibility and despite all his pleading and arguing, the airline employee told him there was no way he was going to get on board the flight.

With a feeling of sorrow and a modicum of defeat, Rav Hadad headed home. Only the following day did he realize the extent of the Divine Intervention, hearing reports on the news of a cyclone that struck the area, claiming tens of thousands of lives. In the very city where he planned to print the Tanya there were corpses sprawled in every direction as a result of the cyclone. Electricity and other supplies were non-existent.

Despite the fact that at present, foreigners are not permitted to visit Myanmar, the rabbi applied for a visa, explaining the purpose of his visit and the visa was granted. He hopes to complete his mission in the very near future.

Rav Hadad serves as the Chabad/Lubavitch shaliach of Chiang Mai, Thailand.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. He could have avoided the cyclone by reading a weather report, too. Cyclones are what they call huricanes in the Far East. They do not come without warning. Also, a country’s visa requirements are also easy to find, and one should check with that country’s embassy well before leaving the country.

  2. I was in Chiang Mai a few weeks ago and the Lubavitch there and other cities in Thailand do a wonderful job of bringin unfrum backpackers a nice sense of frumkeit and make a huge kiddush hashem out there.

  3. #4, As correct as you likely are, since he had no idea and did not make use of the tools you mentioned, it was, therefore, clear hashgacha that saved him from getting caught in that storm.

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