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Daf 25 (corrected):

In Gemara, PANCAKES is not
A sign of thin wafers served hot.
But invalid pleasure,
Meat left past the measure,
And slaughter with faulty forethought.

Daf 26:

A woman condemned, due to hate,
Her son’s wife to a terrible fate.
With intent quite unwholesome
She was smothered in balsam,
And the fast flying fire found bait.

Daf 27:

With Rav Papa’s suggestion dispatched,
The Gemara comes with strings attached.
Must the wearer have sight?
How ’bout what’s worn just at night?
What if fringe and material matched?

Daf 28:

In the desert, the creature we fleeced
Was the Techash – mysterious beast.
With a hide most distinct,
It is now quite extinct,
And unknown if its flesh was our feast.

Daf 29:

Splinters of just broken plates
On Yom Tov forbiddance creates.
So when flames surge and swell
Don’t throw in the nut shell,
Or the pit of non-cling type of dates.

Daf 30:

Which is choicer – livin’ or dyin’?
One cannot praise G-d past the horizon.
Yet one’s stature’s improved
When he’s late and approved.
But better live dog than dead lion.