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Joe -“There are people today who can advise us the reason why Hashem sent this mageifa.”
Like Rav Chaim Shlit’a:
“Everyone must be mechazek to refrain from Lashon Harah and rechilus as it states in Arachin 15b: [Why is a leper so different, that the Torah states: “He shall dwell alone; outside of the camp shall be his dwelling” (Vayikrah 13:46)? He (Rabbi Chaninah) answered: By speaking badly] he separated between a husband and wife and between one person and another; therefore he is punished with tzara’as, and the Torah says: “He shall dwell alone; outside of the camp shall be his dwelling.”
They must further strengthen themselves in the midah of humility and to be maavir al midosav (let things slide) as the pirush haRosh on the side of the page says explicitly in the end of Horios [14a”
Do you know anyone who was Mekabel to do anything these last 2 months?!?