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You Can Write the Next Chapter of the Mirrer Yeshiva

An ambitious fundraising goal will UNLOCK $1,000,000

You are reading this because you have seen the impact of a Mirrer Yeshiva education.

You know that, for years, this makom Torah has been – and continues to be! – a pillar of the Jewish community.

Thousands of students – children, teens, and young adults – have walked through our doors to blossom into talmidei chachamim. Here, they forge a relationship with HaKadosh Baruch Hu that lasts a lifetime.

But there is so much more work to be done.

Brooklyn is changing.

Students require more individualized attention than ever before.

And parents – many of them alumni – want to send their children here. (There is no better endorsement of this great chinuch than second-generation Mirrer families!)

That is why your donation is so important.  

Your gift will go directly to completing capital projects that ensure our future. Projects like creating more dormitory space for more bochurimbuilding a new bais medrash for the Mesivta so the Yeshiva Katana boys don’t have to daven in the lunchroom; and constructing a rooftop play area for students to play outside.

When you invest in the Mirrer Yeshiva, you write the next chapter of this historic institution.

You have been hearing about these additions for a long time. The wait is over to finally complete it!

The end result?

Because of you, a young boy will develop pure kavanah as he recites the Shema Yisrael in a bais medrash lined with sefarim.
Because of you, a Mesivta talmid will spend his dormitory time discussing a difficult sugya with his classmates.
Because of you, an alumnus of the Mir will send his sons here to develop an unbreakable kesher with his rabbiem.


Your gift makes it all happen.

This cause is so important that we have set an ambitious goal to raise $1,000,000 by March 5th.
If we hit this goal – if you open your heart and donate – another $1,000,000 will be unlocked by a group of generous donors!!

This is an incredible opportunity to DOUBLE your impact and invest in the very best of Klal Yisroel.

Please Donate Today!  We don’t have a moment to lose.

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