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PM Netanyahu to Seek Cabinet Approval for New National Security Advisor

cohPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will submit for Cabinet approval his decision to appoint Mossad Deputy Director Yossi Cohen as National Security Adviser and Chairman of the National Security Council.

Cohen, 52, an Israel Security Prize laureate, was born in Jerusalem. He is married and the father of four. He has 30 years’ experience in various operational and intelligence positions in the field, as well as in administrative positions. In a range of Mossad positions, Yossi Cohen has accumulated considerable knowledge in managing large systems and in the international arena, and vast experience with Israel’s political and security establishments.

Cohen’s appointment will be submitted for Cabinet approval on 19 Elul 5773, after the Civil Service Commission appointments committee, chaired by Civil Service Commissioner Moshe Dayan, has approved the appointment. As per the timetable set by Prime Minister Netanyahu for current National Security Adviser and Chairman of the National Security Council Yaakov Amidror upon his appointment approximately 2.5 years ago, Cohen will take up office in the coming months after an overlap with Amidror.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said: “Yossi Cohen has the special background and qualifications that make him suitable for this important position. Cohen has successfully served the State of Israel for the past thirty years in Mossad field and headquarters positions. He is well-acquainted with important security and international issues. Yaakov Amidror – who has filled the position with great success over the past 2.5 years – will continue to fulfill the position in the coming weeks. I could speak at length about his work on behalf of the security of the State of Israel but at this opportunity I would like to thank him on behalf of the citizens of Israel for his considerable work in making the State of Israel stronger. We will continue to make use of his great experience and abilities so that he might continue to contribute to the security and future of the State of Israel.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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