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Reb Eliezer

We all want to do the will of Hashem and what holds us back is the yeast in the dough. The Klei Yokor explains that the yeast makes the dough rise, it is a symbol of gaiva and that brings to sin, so we don’t eat chametz on Pesach. The Radvaz and the Abarbanel say that Chametz resembles the yetzer hara, if a dough is left idle without working on it, becomes chametz. Similarly, if a person is idle from Torah, the yetzer hara will rule over him.

There is an argument between the Rambam and the Ravad Hilchas Teshuva (8,2) what is olam habo. The Rambam holds that the olam habo is after death and the Ravad holds it’s after Techias Hamesim I heard an interesting idea at the time olam habo, we will wear our crown and enjoy the light of the shechina. What is the crown for? It will have precious stones and act like a prism to reflect the light so we could look into it.