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Israel is Just Bursting with Good Will Towards the PA

bibAfter releasing 26 murderers earlier in the week, and following the cabinet approval for the release of an additional 78 terrorists in the coming months, Israel has decided to return the bodies of all terrorists to the PA (Palestinian Authority). Officials explain that while this is good news for the families of the terrorists, for Israel it is also a plus since keeping the bodies of the terrorists is a “burden” for Israel.

According to the Ynet report, Israel has decided to add the bodies of the slain terrorists buried in Israel to the good-will release of 104 live terrorists. In addition, Israel last year turned over the bodies of 91 terrorists to the PA in another good-will move. Of those bodies, 79 went to PA autonomous areas and 11 to Hamas-controlled Gaza.

During the night between Tuesday and Wednesday, 8 Elul 5773, at about 01:00, Israel released 26 terrorists from prison. 15 of the terrorists were released to their homes in Gaza and the remainder in PA autonomous areas in Yehuda and Shomron.

Officials in the Prime Minister’s Office deny the accuracy of the report, stating there is no plan to hand over bodies at this time.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. As long as their Arabs – even terrorists with blood on their hands – and not charedim, Israel’s worst enemies, Good Will gestures will keep bursting forth.

  2. 1. Dead terrorist don’t kill people. And releasing middle aged terrorists is also low risk – war in general is something done by adolescents and young adults. All the people in the region have blood on their hands for fighting a war over what is basically a real estate dispute (i.e. Dinei mamonos).

    2. Israel needs American good will (espeically since it is entering into a life and death struggle with the hareidim). If something makes the Americans happy, the Israelis will probably do it. It isn’t like Israel is a free and independent country. They are a pawn is someone else’s chess game, and pawns don’t get to be too bossy.

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