Reply To: Where Was Rechnitz At The Siyum Hashas?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Where Was Rechnitz At The Siyum Hashas? Reply To: Where Was Rechnitz At The Siyum Hashas?


I am quite amused at both the substance and tone of the posts above complaining the siyum was” depressing, too much like a levayah, a bunch of geriatric guys in black suits crying gevalt,” etc.
This was a siyum hashas, not a Schweky concert with special guest stars, Moishe, Yankel and Mendel and the Monotones!!
Perhaps the issue is whether the entire idea of these+ years of daily, mega-siyums in huge venues needs to be reconsidered. I’m not ordinarily a big fan of Agudah for a number of reasons but given the fundamental purpose of a siyum (aka the celebration of 7+ years of limud torah l’shma) I think their efforts to organize and conduct a 100,000 person event was incredible and should be recognized as such.