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Cash Buys Speed Bumps in Olmert Affair

bribe1.jpgThe police investigation against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert continues to gain momentum with police gathering documents from government agencies as they continue building their case.

Police are trying to learn what Moshe Talansky received from Olmert in his capacity as Jerusalem mayor in return for envelopes filled with cash.

Police believe that Olmert ordered the construction of speed bumps near the Har  Nof home of Talansky’s son, who complained that vehicles traveling along the Jerusalem street were endangering neighborhood children.

Added to the list of wealthy and powerful being questioned by police is American Jewish philanthropist Sheldon Adelson, who appears connected to the Olmert affair as well.

Police report finding a document from Olmert as mayor calling on hotels to use the mini bar company that was headed by his supporter Talansky, who told police he only donated campaign funds and did not receive anything in return.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. This whole investigation is going nowhere.

    they should learn from america how to get on indictment & can you imagine the police doing on investigation & how smart they are, they are not even dressed proper in the state of Israel the sanitation the USA is dressed better than the police in Israel & they are the ones to investigae & what kind of on education do they have as they have no class at all, one thing they know for sure is how to act like barbarians that they are, but no wisdom to collect any information in order to get on indictment.

    Olmert let me wish you good luck as you will still be the Prime Minister for the next few months at least.

    Meanwhile enjoy the visit with our Pres. & the publicity & Honor that you will get out of it.

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