Reply To: With Trump through thick and thin?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee With Trump through thick and thin? Reply To: With Trump through thick and thin?


The reality is that so many here have come to believe that we must accept the vulgarity, narcissism, bullying, and non-stop lying as the price for a President whose policies on a few issues are preferable to those of his predecessor. The notion of a President who can be a mentsch but also pursue wise policies seems to have been abandoned and we are left with the choice of two extremes with no middle ground. Just watch what is happening when a leading Evangelical Christian Journal has come out with an editorial calling for Trump’s impeachment. Immediately, the far-right Evangelicals circle the wagons and say that the “true believers” must ignore all of Trump’s vile and disgusting personal behaviors because he appoints conservative judges and supports their social policy agenda.