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Police Investigating Har Nof Building Plan

mishtara2.jpgAs part of the ongoing investigation against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Moshe Talansky, police of the National Fraud Unit believe that the two were involved in a major plan to rezone a large area of land in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighborhood towards permitting the construction of a major building project.

According to allegations, police who raided Jerusalem City Hall on Monday afternoon were seeking documents connected to the Har Nof project, dating back to Olmert’s tenure as Jerusalem’s mayor.

It is alleged that Talansky, who to date insists he only contributed to Olmert’s Jerusalem mayoral election campaign and is unaware of where the monies went, is somehow connected to the main force behind the project, pushing his own personal financial interests as well as Olmert’s, who allegedly profited from ‘requests’ to assist in having the area re-zoned to accommodate the mega building project.

Police reviewed files, hard copies and computers, for some three hours, seeking documents that would link the prime minister, Talansky, and a third person. It is unclear if they located the identity of the mystery person involved in the building project.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. I always wondered who allowed all that building to proceed in the Har Nof area, I kept saying someone had to have been paid under the table to allow this. The area turned from a nice quiet place to a mini downtown NY with all the traffic and buildings and lack of parking . Please remember that this was done on what was once 2 small streets.

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