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Nachal Chareidi Soldier Suspected of Attempted Robbery in Bnei Brak

Two months ago an attempted robbery took place on Micha Street in Bnei Brak. The would-be-robbers at some point during the robbery had a change of heart and left the bank without taking anything. The local police department opened an investigation but was unable to solve the crime after numerous attempts to crack the case.

An eye-witness told BChadrei Charedim at the time that: “The two robbers dressed up like charedim in order to rob the bank. They entered the building thinking that the money changer would be alone. They screamed “this is a robbery”, but there was another person in the room and the two of them, the money changer and the bystander fought the robbers while screaming for someone to call the police. The robbers turned and ran off.

On Tuesday, two 19-year-old suspects were arrested. The suspects are from Givat Ze’ev and Beitar. One of the suspects arrested is a Charedi soldier in the Netzach Yehuda unit. He is the owner of the car that was seen at the scene of the attempted robbery.

The suspect’s lawyer, Attorney Moshe Zohar said: “The suspect has no connection to the incident whatsoever, aside from the fact that the car is registered to him.”

The second suspect gave permission to detectives to search his phone and his home. His lawyer, Attorney Paulina Sorin said that: “The suspects did not threaten anyone nor did they take anything. They remorse their actions and exited the premises.”

Judge Roee Perry said that there is enough of a suspicion regarding both parties in order to remand them into police custody until Wednesday at noon.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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