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American Air Force Chief Made a Secret Visit to Israel

welshAmerican Air Force Chief General Mark A. Welsh landed in Israel for a secret visit to Israel last week, Walla News reports. It is reported that amid mounting speculation that Israel will launch a military offensive against Iran’s nuclear program, the American’s requested the general’s visit remain under the media radar. This is attributed in no small part to the mounting regional instability. The general was hosted by Israel Air Force Chief Major-General Amir Eshel.

The visit was General Welsh’s first in his current capacity and for the IDF the visit of the senior commander was regarded to be a high-level event that sends a strong message of military cooperation. The general and his entourage arrived without media coverage and the high-level meetings covered an array of topics, including Iran.

Foreign media reports state that the IAF has been training for a decade for an attack against Iran’s nuclear program, and according to many experts, that day is rapidly approaching. The visit by Welsh cannot be viewed as a coincidence, timed a few short weeks following a visit by the Commander of the US European Command (EUCOM), General Philip M. Breedlove, who also met with Eshel and senior defense officials. In addition, the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey is slated to arrive next week and he will be holding high-level meetings. The White House confirms he will be meeting to discuss regional issues, with Iran leading the list.

Dempsey will be meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon in addition to senior IDF commander and will discuss concerns pertaining to the regional instability, which includes Syria and Egypt. His visit comes in the shadow of unprecedented al-Qaeda threats against US diplomatic missions, resulting in the closure of most American facilities in many Mideast countries.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. In all likelihood, the reason for this, as well as other visits by senior defense officials is to pressure Israel into not attacking Iran. Obama hates Israel, and uses his power to constantly pressure and intimidate the Jewish state.
    I would imagine that the administration also leaked the news about this visit, in an effort to publicize and put Israel on the spot, in the same vain it routinly leaks out whenever Isarel attacks in Syria.

  2. #1: In all likelihood the reason for this, as well as other visits by senior defense officials is…something else.

    I can think of at least two other reasons which make much more sense than your illogical, unfounded reasons. I will not disclose them, since the visits are secret.

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