Reply To: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table?

Home Forums Family Matters Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? Reply To: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table?


Creamnosugar, since when does being a voice of morality and outspoken against immorality have anything to do with inviting people into one’s home? It may have a connection to you but not to us Chassidim…

As for people getting a chance to observe us, we are in the limelight everyday, no need to invite others into our home. Because of your personal journey you may have a different opinion than what Chassidishe people in general have. Different communities have different standards and different lifestyles and that’s ok. But back to the OP’s question, regardless if one is Litvish, Yekkish or Chassidish, if a host is uncomfortable with his guests it’s not a mitzvah to invite them back.