Reply To: Does all Chabad agree with him???

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I’m a Chabad insider close to many shluchim from all sides of Lubabvitch. Rabbi mendy is one of the most inspiring and successful shluchim under the age of 30. Some very prestigious members of the yeshivish community have happily eaten by his Springfield Illinois home and if anyone on this thread ever needed his hachnosas orichim he would be there jumping for joy ready to serve you, that’s the type of guy he is. Rabbi Mendy asks shaylos even for many subjects most of us just assume we know what to do he didn’t give his speech or any of his classes without clearing them with top rabbanim particularly one that was actually just honored by corporate Chabad at their melaveh malka at the same time that he was giving his keynote address at the Crown Heights kinus hashluchim. Although it is silly to play the numbers game they definitely had more than 650 attendees. I encourage anyone who has any questions or concerns to reach out to Rabbi Mendy but please also consider leaving him a donation for his time. Good night.