Reply To: Bad Match or Bad Middos or Both?

Home Forums Shidduchim Bad Match or Bad Middos or Both? Reply To: Bad Match or Bad Middos or Both?


-Some people who would seem to have good middos with strangers act differently.
– a bad shadchan’s middos can pressure someone too much.
I don’t know if the middos in general have deteriorated in the past few generations I look around and most people are in our community are nice sometimes the nicest people are the ones who get easily stepped over by a controlling spouse so too nice is not necessarily the best characteristic. I know some people have gotten divorced. there is one middoh ghat he is talking about in particular which is the inability to go through challenges in marriage maybe the shame of divorced brought a bigger punishment that got people to try harder in the past. Is there really less shalom bayis now days or are there more divorces equal level of shalom..? No one will truly have the statistic
The dating world has become too complicated with friends all the difference among our ways of living , that didn’t exist in the Shetel so probably matching people has I’m fact become more of an issue..
Probably many different explanations to the issue all valid