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Latest Poll Shows Blue & White Overtakes Likud

The latest election poll brings bad news for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his Likud party, as the Blue & White party headed by MK Benny Gantz has taken the lead with 37 seats and Likud loses three seats, now with only 30 seats.

The poll was published on Tuesday morning, asking participants how they would vote if elections were held today. The poll was conducted by Panels Politics and released on the Tuesday morning ‘Morning News’ program with Niv Raskin, on Channel 12 TV.

Joint Arab List 12
Shas 8
Yahadut Hatorah 7
Yisrael Beitenu 7
New Right 6
Labor/Gesher 5
Bayit Yehudi 4
Democratic Union 4

Likud voters were asked which candidate they would vote for in party primary elections.
89% Binyamin Netanyahu
5% Nir Barkat
4% Gideon Saar
2% Do not know

It is pointed out that the question regarding which Likud candidate to vote for was posed to Likud supporters and not just members of the Central Committee, who are the ones who will determine the party’s lineup.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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