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Lieberman Launches an Unprecedented Attack Against Deri

The Chairman of the Yisrael Beitenu party, MK Avigdor Lieberman on Monday attacked Shas party Chairman, Minister Aryeh Deri, a former close friend and often political ally. He accuses Deri of “nasty behavior, being out of focus and losing his temper.”

Lieberman was addressing a faction meeting in Knesset when he was asked if he prevented the formation of a national unity government. He blamed Deri for the misinformation, explaining Deri feared that a unity government would be established, and that Lieberman would receive the credit. “It’s nasty behavior and in my estimation, I know he was probably out of focus and losing track. With today’s situation, it is the best it can be, as today, with eight seats, we are pivotal and could not be in a better situation. All of the philosophy is nothing, but jealousy and flaws and I think this is a very nasty and dirty version by Aryeh Deri.”

Lieberman added that at the end, he believes Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will be acquitted but this can only be determined in a court of law.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Lieberman is doing all he can to unite E”Y. Unfortunately, many haredim do not see this. The hiloni and dati have been protecting E”Y for so long with very little help from the haredim. Having everyone serve in the IDF is a good thing that will truly unite klal yisrael. The frum soldiers will be able to engage in kiruv with the hiloni and thus make more frum yidden. Spending all day in kollel will not accomplish this. If the frum soldiers were brought up in a yiddishkeit home then there is no reason to fear they will go OTD.

  2. Lieberman has no agenda or opinion in politics all he wants is more seats in the Knesset
    Hes the only one that could sit with chareidim, right, left or Arabs, depending on his mood at the moment
    Hes a dangerous faker and longtime liar

  3. RebbeDebbie
    your Insidious bias and agenda are showing
    whatever solution might come for the various sectors of Society
    Lieberman won’t be the Catalyst for solution to any present impasse

  4. “Lieberman is doing all he can to unite E”Y

    that’s one of the better ones
    the Spanish Inquisition tried to unite all the Jews Also by making them no longer

    Ho ho ho

  5. Debbie, unfortunately the Torah says the exact opposite of your opinion.

    The hiloni and dati have been protecting E”Y for so long with very little help from the haredim.

    On the contrary, it is the Torah scholars, not the soldiers, who protect the country. The soldiers are also necessary, and they have the great mitzvah of mesirus nefesh, but their success depends entirely on the Torah learning of the scholars, and without it they would be of no use at all.

  6. RebbeDebbie: you consider yourself cleverer and better educated in Daas Torah than Sar Hatorah Raw Chaim Kanievsky and countless other Roshei Yeshivos and true leaders of Klall Yisroel – Shame on you!

  7. #Rebbedebbie dear,
    Kiruv in the so called Jewish state long flew out of the window, by promoting public transport on Shabbos, abolish gender segregation at Chareidi concerts, Soldiers being forced to eat Neveilos Utreifos, forced to be Mechalel Shabbos, Forced to listen to a KOL B’ISHAH (nothing personal if you are a female) promoting Toeivah, no one tells anyone what to do in Tel Aviv, but when it’s being promoted & encouraged in Jerusalem & Chareidim are protesting for the Kedushah of our holiest city they’re being beaten up, when ancient cemeteries are being desecrated day in & day out, but when ancient Jewish cemeteries are being dug up in Europe or elsewhere the prime minister will voice is fat mouth to condemn it, WHY? oh HKB”H WHY? why in your holy land
    & you want to tell me that it’s a Yiddish Medinah,

  8. RebbeDebbie: There may come a time one day when you are the greatest Torah sage alive- in which case I will treasure every word you say and do exactly as you instruct, however, until that time comes………

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