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Deri Angrily Insists the Chareidim Are Not to Blame for Failing to Assemble a National Unity Coalition

Last week was an exceptionally stormy one for Israel’s political community as Attorney General Dr. Avichai Mandelblit announced he plans to file a number of criminal indictments against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. In addition, the Chairman of the Blue & White party, MK Benny Gantz, returned the presidential mandate after failing to form a coalition government. This followed the failure to form a government by PM Netanyahu and Likud.

Shas Chairman Minister Aryeh Deri was making a shiva visit in Har Nof last week, and it was during his davening that a call was received from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, compelling Deri to step out of the davening.

According to a Kikar Shabbos report, the phone call was not a pleasant one and Deri was heard raising his voice and threatening the stability of the right-wing/chareidi bloc.

He learned that senior Likud officials were already telling the media how the chareidi parties are going to have to make serious concessions regarding religion and state in order to appease Avigdor Lieberman, who chairs the Yisrael Beitenu party. Deri was angered at hearing this “political spin”, insisting “our bloc is not preventing achdus, but it is the question of rotation [of the premiership].”

Deri was overheard saying “If we are the problem in the bloc, perhaps it is time to dismantle it.”

Mr. Netanyahu became concerned and reportedly instructed senior party officials to stop speaking with the media as a result.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The fact is that a government could not be formed due to the haredi parties; moreover, you have haredim that do not vote. If large numbers of haredim will not vote, then their voice will not be heard. Also, many of the demands from the haredi parties are too much. There is nothing wrong with males serving in the IDF: there are even units specifically for frum soldiers. Why should the hiloni and dati members of society continue to sacrifice so much for haredim? Everyone should do their fair share and share the burden for maintaining the safety of E”Y.

  2. RebbeDebbie:
    Actually, there is plenty wrong with males serving in the IDF, as the Torah sages have insisted from the beginning. Special “units for frum soldiers” address only a small part of the problem (and create other problems), so those are not a solution.

    The Chiloni and Dati do not “sacrifice so much” for the Chareidim but for themselves. You actually have it backwards. The Chareidim (meaning their parents, grandparents, etc. as the case may be) were there before the Zionists invaded and have never wanted anything to do with the Zionist disaster in E”Y. So, in actuality, it is the Chareidim whom the Zionists have forced to endure the results of the Zionist disaster in E”Y.

    Moreover, the learning that the Chareidim do provides infinitely greater benefit to those living in E”Y than any IDF activities.

    Finally, it is not the “safety of E”Y” of which you speak but rather the safety of the part of E”Y that the Zionists invaded, meaning the State of Israel. No good reason to conflate the two (liHavdil).

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