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White House ‘Extremely Disappointed’ With Russia

putThe White House says it’s extremely disappointed in Russia’s decision to grant asylum to National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden.

White House spokesman Jay Carney says Snowden isn’t a whistleblower or a dissident. He says it’s not a positive development for U.S.-Russia relations and says the move undermines Russia’s record of law enforcement cooperation with the U.S.

Carney says the White House is re-evaluating whether a planned fall summit with President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin should still occur.

Snowden’s lawyer says the onetime NSA contract systems analyst has left the transit zone of a Moscow airport and has officially entered Russia after authorities granted him asylum for a year. Snowden has thanked Russia for giving him asylum and criticized the Obama administration as showing “no respect” for the law.


2 Responses

  1. So how’s that hope and change doing?
    The world doesnt fear nor respect America, which may very well have been President Hussein’s intention.
    My only worry is that we have fair elections and transfer of power in 2016.

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