Reply To: $5,000.000 donated to Trump by Orthodox Jews, can we afford it?

Home Forums In The News $5,000.000 donated to Trump by Orthodox Jews, can we afford it? Reply To: $5,000.000 donated to Trump by Orthodox Jews, can we afford it?


“Do we have the luxury to offer 5 million to an aino yehudi manhig?”
Who is “we” ? I don’t

” Will this bring us a better return on the money than helping out aniyei v’tzorchei Yisroel?”

” Did an Odom Gadol sign off on this event ”
Looks like everybody in the picture is halachicly a gadol . they are grownups and can make this decision.

“or was it just another opportunity to show “Who’s Who” in the orthodox world?”
Yes. Plus a healthy dose of chanifa lemhadrin min hamadrin

“. I believe the tzibbur has a right to question”
you absolutely have a right to question. and they have a right to spend their money as they please

“whether such a large donation is appropriate given the many internal tzrochim the frum world has.”
Its not

” I hope Daas Torah agreed with this fundraiser.”
Why would they?