Bayit Yehudi’s Dirty Deal – Terrorist Release in Exchange for Houses

bibeThe funny thing about being wrong in Israel is that the concept is not applicable unless the act is perpetrated by others. There does not seem to be a standard in which something can be inherently wrong regardless of who is involved. When chareidim deal to advance the agenda of their constituents everyone yells foul. It is yet to be seen how the announced release of 104 convicted Arab terrorists will play out but according to a Maariv report, Bayit Yehudi was a co-conspirator in the plot to close the terrorist release deal to advance construction in yishuvim and Yerushalayim.

While Bayit Yehudi cabinet ministers opposed the prisoner release on Sunday, voting against it, the party’s opposition was nothing more than a symbolic gesture since the cabinet majority to pass the deal was a foregone conclusion.

Housing Minister Uri Ariel, the number two man in Bayit Yehudi has been holding secretive talks with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The two agreed that there would be a terrorist release in exchange for the construction of thousands of housing units in Yehuda, Shomron and Yerushalayim. The first stage will be 1,000 housing units in Yehuda and Shomron, primarily in settlement blocs, areas the government insists will remain under Israeli sovereignty in the final status deal with the PA (Palestinian Authority). In the coming two months the prime minister has committed to expand that by a number by building an additional 3,500-4,500 housing units, including in Yerushalayim, Maariv reports. The report is based on information obtained by Bayit Yehudi members who decided to break the silence, to defy Bennett’s instructions at the faction meeting on Monday, 22 Menachem Av, in which party members were told to keep the information confidential. Not wishing to cause confrontation or embarrass the prime minister with the American, the talks were conducted between the two ministers only, passing sealed envelopes to one another to avoid involvement of others.

Bayit Yehudi Leader Minister of the Economy Naftali Bonnet during that faction meeting told faction members to refrain from any talk of threats to break from the coalition – explaining to them the resumption of the diplomatic talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority) is inevitable, and even if the party threatens to leave the coalition the talks will move ahead in Washington as planned. Bennett assured them he is confident the sides will not reach agreement in any event.

The litmus test will be in the coming weeks and months, to see if Mr. Netanyahu upholds his end of the bargain and moves ahead with construction. If not, the dati leumi party will have to decide how to act after it secretly agreed to the release of the heinous terrorists in exchange for housing.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. There is no comparison between BY’s decision not to leave the coalition over the release – and having won something positive in exchange – and the Chareidi parties’ support of Oslo and the Gush Katif expulsions in exchage for funding. Bayit Yehudi’s actions were to offset a negative action with respect to the “peace process” (the release) with a positive (additional building), thereby doing what they can to “balance” the positive and negative actions. Considering that had they walked out, Labor had said they’d keep the government from falling in any case, there was no point to any additional actions – and in fact, BY should be commended for at least getting something.

    The Chareidi parties (and Shas in particular) essentially sold the residents of Gush Katif out in exchange for a few Shekalim for their interests. No attempt to balance a bad result with a good one – as long as they got what they wanted, the Chareidi parties were willing to sell other Jews down the river.

    Nice job, Bayit Yehudi – at lease you managed to get something meaningful out of this farce.

    an Israeli Yid

  2. Although there is a very good point here building new homes are good for everybody, there a some big chareidi kehilos in these “settlements”.

  3. AND why is this a DIRTY deal?
    Every party deals in ‘behind the back’ haggling, some for funds, construction, appointments, etc…
    Prisoners should not have been released and building should increase hundred-fold while trusting in our ‘father in heaven’.

  4. #2 How can you compare Bayit Yehudi exchange of terrorists with blood on their hands for some homes to Charedim giving up homes for the most valuable item for religious Jews – TORAH?

    Bayit Yehudi / Daati Leumi are doing the same bad irresponsible move again and want Charedim to join them in giving up Torah for some homes. They got the wrong customers.

  5. #5 – you ever hear of the term “a Tzadik oif yenem’s pleitzes” – a Tzadik on someone else’s shoulders? Bayit Yehudi was in a no-win situation and got what they could – the right to build in Yehuda and Shomron. Chareidim arranged to be paid blood money, taken on the cheshbon of the brave residents of Gush Katif. If that’s not a Mitzva haBa B’Aveira, I don’t know what is. Lo Sa’amod al Dam Re’echa prohibits standing by when the blood of your fellow Jew is being spilled. The Chareidi parties actively participated in spilling the blood, then claimed that since it was to “support Torah”, it was all Muttar.

    I never saw a Hetter to steal in order to support Torah.

    BY’s actions here were completely different.

    an Israeli Yid

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