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No Mechila for Rav Amar from Rav Ovadia

ovamThe letter sent to Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita asking mechila from Rabbi Moshe Shlomo Amar did not achieve its objective. Rav Amar backed Rav Dayan Aaron Boaron in the Chief Rabbinate elections, opposing Maran’s candidate Rav Yitzchak Yosef. Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita explained that he is willing to be moichel his own kovod, but he cannot be moichel the kovod of the tzibur and the fact that Rav Amar ignored what was best for the tzibur at large, Kikar Shabbat reports.

Former Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron visited Rav Ovadia earlier in the week as Rav Amar’s shaliach. The Gadol Hador reportedly told Rav Bakshi that he cannot be moichel today for if that would be the case, in the future one will feel free to act against Shas at any time and simply request forgiveness after the fact. “This will result in significant damage to the tzibur” Rav Ovadia reportedly added.

Rav Ovadia is said to have added that now, “we are about to begin municipal elections and what kind of message will this send by asking forgiveness immediately after opposing what we do? Working like this will not permit us to establish leadership around the country.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

22 Responses

  1. I’m not understanding what happened – why did Rabbi Moshe Shlomo Amar ask for mechila? I think that he believed that Rav Dayan Aaron Boaron was the best candidate for the position. Does he need to apologize because he lost? If a member of the sanhedrin voted against the av beis din, lhavdil, and the vote goes with the av beis din, does that member need to apologize? Even if the av beis din was a greater talmid chacham or leader?

  2. M

    If he asked mechila he obviously felt he needed it, and has nothing to do with who won. But it is not something that simple people like us should be mixing into.

    When such articles are posted obviously people will comment on them but we have to remember that it’s not our business… Goes to show you that even YWN has some politics in mind….

  3. #1 It’s actually very simple. Since Rabbi Amar does not come to the toes of Rav Yosef, and he is clearly from the Gedolei Hador and not any other “Rabbi”, his views are “daas torah” and he cannot go against them.

  4. Since Chacham Ovadia is the leader of Sephardic Jewry, no other Sephardic Rabbi is permitted to go against Chacham Ovadia’s decisions.

    He is the final authority for Sephardim.

  5. Now you know why so many are leaving the fold and checking out.
    What a circus and disgrace ! Why all this politics about an election of a Chief Rabbi? Aren’t there so much more important issues? Do these people have to be in news every day ? Kovod-Kovod-Kovod and Koovid. Unbelievable.

  6. and of course it was best foe the tzibbur to have my son elected.
    other israeli websites report that rav ovadia was willing to be mochel but Arye Deri did not let.

  7. ולא כגחזי שדחפו בשתי ידים
    it can backfire and make things worse he can make a complete breakaway from rav ovadia

  8. M,

    There’s an established, recognized “gadol hador” system. Rav Amar’s lack of support was seen and felt like a rebellion against the bonafide rav of the sephardic hareidi community. Especially since he allegedly promised to support and influence others to vote for Rav Y Yosef.

    If rav aurebach went through with his political party, whether or not it would have gained any seat in the kenesset, would have been a direct slap in gimmel’s “face”.

    Your comparison with the sanhedrin cannot be used in this political context.

  9. The safradim begin to say SALICHOT ROSH CHODASH ELLU(NEXT WEEK)how can someone who does not forgive a fellow Jew can ask HASHEM to forgive them?

  10. To No. 13…

    I guess the general principle of mechilah doesn’t apply to those whose egos have been slighted. Who are we to question why one rav (who coincidently called another rav “evil” for opposing his son’s candidacy) won’t forgive one of his colleagues for reasons this article doesn’t really clarify.

  11. verizon49 first you READ then you THINK then you TALK please remember for next time so i dont have to waste my time with you”Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita explained that he is willing to be moichel his own kovod, but he cannot be moichel the kovod of the tzibur”

  12. To #16 he CAN NOT speak on behalf of the tzibur ,he was not appointed by the tzibur .The amount of HATE that comes out of that group of people , we have not seen since BAALK.No Jew has the right to curse the children of HASHEM.The job of the rabboim is to make sure that we follow the ways of Hashem,and to daven on our behave to HASHEM ,like MOSHE RABBENU AND SO FORTH.As to your insulting remarks against me you are for sure from that group of people that needs to do TASHUA.I hope that before YOM KIPPUR you will ask me for machila.

  13. UJM – Nonsense. With all due respect to Chacham Ovadia, he is as undisputed of a leader for Sepharadim as any other Gadol is an undisputed leader for Ashkenazim. He is one of our greatest, but he’s not the only Rabbi we have!

  14. To #12 “Your comparison with the sanhedrin cannot be used in this political context.” Why do you think this? I think that when the Sanhedrin was in power they were involved in making “political” decisions. But I guess this reminds me of the mishna in Sanhedrin: דיני ממונות הטהרות והטמאות, מתחילין מן הגדול; ודיני נפשות, מתחילין מן הצד. So maybe you are right, this requires more thought.

    To #16: “…is willing to be moichel his own kovod, but he cannot be moichel the kovod of the tzibur” I hope Hashem doesn’t use that line on me or you this Elul, or ever.

  15. For those aware; Municipal elections for religious councils are starting soon, this entire episode is to remind “adherents to SHAS doctrine (Deri’s laws)” that either you vote with us or you are OUT!!!

    Shas people get more anxious and antsy over cherems and excommunication.

  16. today i was learning through some iggros moshe. after the session i realized that all the comments posted here are written by ingoramie. you people have no clue about anything, and yet you express your oppinions like it’s das torah. get to the beis and stop making a disgrace.

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