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Chief Rabbi Lau to Bnei Yeshivos Regarding Soccer Matches

lauIncoming Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel David Lau sent a message to bnei yeshivos, to refrain from frequenting places that will result in chilul Hashem, such as those who sit in cafes and kiosks to watch soccer games.

The rav speaks of Thursday nights in winter, in his home city of Tel Aviv, where a certain sport is on television and many come to watch it in cafes and kiosks. He says “for some reason, most of those watching are those who wear hats and jackets, and while many of them are seated without jackets, their tzitzis are seen outside”. According to the Kav HaChashifut report, the rav made his remarks during an address to bochrim in Camp Matisyahu.

The rav added that even his kashrus mashgichim are embarrassed to enter these establishments on Thursday night, aware of the fact that so many bnei yeshivos gather to watch the games.

The rav explained that he is not necessarily speaking about it being prohibited, but he is more concerned with how it is perceived by the public at large during this sensitive period when bnei yeshivos are coming under scrutiny.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Maybe I’m dense but what could possibly be wrong for bochurim taking a few hours off on Thursday night sitting in restaurant with good hashgacha having a beer and some chulent while watching a soccer game? It seems like the most harmless type of relaxation.

  2. Yes, its a terrible Chillul Hashem! What are they thinking? In public? Zi paas nisht faar ah Ben Torah!

  3. #1 That is perfect and a desired activity in USA, not when your able aged-brothers are out in the dense hills of Lebanon or open areas around GAZA watching for terrorists. You are not able to convince the Israel world that you are the guardians of the borders when drinking beer and chilling out. (and are you??)

  4. Dora,

    You really should not so proudly profess that you cannot read.

    Your great ” wonder” is amply addressed in the article.

  5. How nice of YWN to conveniently omit the fact that he used a racial slur in making this statement, for which he is being roundly criticized.

  6. I’m sure that his statement was taken out of context.

    I know Rav Lau for many years and have a tremendous amount of respect for him. He has a way of relating to everyone including the Chilonim.

    There is a kiosk with a large TV screen and bleachers in one of the shopping centers. The only people who use the bleachers are Yeshiva bocherim who come in the evening during popular basketball /soccer games especially Thursday Evening.

    He cares about everyone. He probably observed a large gathering of bocherim who hang out watching the games drinking beer and smoking. Rav Lau speaks very elegantly and was probably deliberately misquoted by some one who didn’t want to hear any mussar from the Rav.

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