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Police Fled After Being Targeted with Rocks in Meah Shearim

Police responding to a call in the Meah Shearim area of the capital on Wednesday evening were targeted by extremists who hurled stones at them.

To their good fortune, the usual crowd did not gather, and they managed to enter the building to which they were responding. However, a very short time later, youths arrived and began shouting “police” as they hurled rocks at them. Youths tried to blind the policemen using green laser devices and police then headed for their vehicle as locals ran after them.

They managed to enter their patrol vehicle without injury, and they left the area. Based on past similar incidents, a larger police force will be returning, and arrests of suspects involved in the attack will be conducted.

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Why are these juvenile delinquents not being arrested? They are endangering the lives of the police. and the police run from them? Don’t Arabs get shot for throwing stones because a stone can kill someone? The least the police can do is arrest the people who are assaulting them – and the rule of law. If the persons involved are juveniles, then the parents should be punished for not keeping control of their children.

    Why is there this total contempt for the police in some chareidi circles? Everyone is very happy when the police stop terrorists, so why don’t they show their gratitude by not endangering the officers?

    And does the “dina d’malchusa dina” only apply if the government isn’t Jewish?

  2. And does the “dina d’malchusa dina” only apply if the government isn’t Jewish?

    The Ran in Nedarim paskens that Dina Dmalchusa doesn’t apply in Eretz Yisroel.

  3. @Midwest2 : To those people there can be no dina dimalchusa because they deny the right of the malchus to exist. So they probably do not hold of dina dimalchusa dina in Eretz Yisrael. I’m not saying I agree at all; I’m just explaining their probable thinking.

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