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Arab MK Ayman Adah: Ousting Netanyahu is One of Our Goals

The chairman of the Joint Arab List, MK Ayman Adah, spoke with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Thursday morning, stating unequivocally that if asked to enter into coalition talks with the Blue & White party, he would be willing to hear what is offered. Adah explained the Arab citizens of Israel have been discriminated against for too long, and in order to him to give the green light to join a coalition, Gantz will have to show that the guidelines of the new coalition government adhere to the list of demands which he plans to present. He explains the major issues are issues that pertain to all sectors of the country and not just the Arab municipalities. He cited the need for increased policing towards stopping the violent crime in the Arab sector as an example, just as is required in other sectors too.

Adah feels that led by Blue & White, a minority government including Blue & White (33), Labor/Gesher (6), Democratic Union (5), and Yisrael Beitenu (8) would give them 52 seats and even if the Joint Arab List (13) does not enter the coalition, it might agree to back such a union from the outside, thereby creating a minority government. Another possibility he mentioned is the same coalition as above with the inclusion of the chareidi parties; Shas with 9 seats and Yahadut Hatorah with 7. This he feels is another possibility, opting to ignore statements already released by chareidi leaders declaring their loyalty to Binyamin Netanyahu.

Adah explains that ousting Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is itself a goal and accomplishing this would be a major feat, even if the party remains outside of the coalition.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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