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AP Report: US Attorney Investigating Al Sharpton

sharpt2.jpgGovernment records obtained by The Associated Press indicate that Sharpton and his business entities owe nearly $1.5 million in overdue taxes and associated penalties, and the US attorney is investigating his nonprofit group.

Naturally, Sharpton brushes off this investigation as the kind of annoyance that civil rights figures have come to expect from the government.

“Whatever retaliation they do on me, we never stop,” he told the AP. “I think that that is why they try to intimidate us.”

Over the past year, Sharpton’s lawyers and the staff of his nonprofit group, the National Action Network, have been negotiating with the federal government over the size of his debt, which they dispute. The group has also been trying to pay off tens of thousands of dollars it owes for failing to properly maintain workers compensation and unemployment insurance.

He said the organization has new accountants and a new administrative team, and the group recently finally filed long-overdue tax returns.

Sharpton’s own debts include $365,558 owed in New York City income tax and $931,397 in unpaid federal income tax, according to a lien filed by the Internal Revenue Service last spring. His for-profit company, Rev. Al Communications, owes the state another $175,962 in delinquent taxes.

One Response

  1. Of course Rev. Al will claim the only reason they picked on him is because he’s black and he will immediately bus in his rent-a-riot crowd, of unemployed, trouble makers, on public assistance, demanding “peace, jobs, and justice”, for the people who came to riot and have no intention of going to work and losing their benefits.

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