Reply To: Money in the garbage!

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Sam Klein

Be a role model for your family of “Living with what you need and not what you want” and teach them how to hold themselves back from unnecessary things when money is sadly very tight-especially with the upcoming holiday season or upcoming family events that cost a lot of money.

YOU be the leader and role model and start to live with the minimum and then you and your entire family will start to live with the fact of “OUR CUP IS HALF FULL not half empty” and we are bentched to be a very happy family with everything Hashem has given and continues to bench us with.

Turn directly to Hashem for all your needs (from shidduchim to health to children etc….) you don’t need middlemen to help you get what you need. Don’t feel like you can be on such a level and have such a relationship with Hashem? Start today and make a daily learning Seder of sefer chovos Halevovos (duties of the heart) and build up your relationship of faith and trust in Hashem directly with Hashem.

May Hashem help you in all your needs 24-7 and Grant you a year of health and happiness ahead.