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Lapid Backs Down to Bennett Over National Referendum Bill

bibelaThe government on Wednesday, 17 Menachem Av 5773 is expected to pass a bill that will compel a national referendum on any future agreement signed with the PA (Palestinian Authority) that involves ceding land. It will be passed as a Basic Law.

For the dati leumi community this is viewed as a victory as Bayit Yehudi boasts “this is why we are needed in the coalition”. For party leader Naftali Bennett it is a success as he compelled Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid to vote in line with his party to keep the coalition from collapsing.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Besides all of the politics wrapped around this bill it’s the smartest thing to do to actually protect the Jewish citizens of Israel.
    Who wants so idiot politician who may be on the left or far left to agree to give the PA Israeli’s land.
    Who wants to give up Israeli land because the PA and the Arab world says it was theirs to start with and we stole it from them.
    Guess what PA and Arab world. It was ours to start with. You stole it from us then you started wars so we took it back. Read your history books, that is if you can indeed read.
    A public vote to decide the fate of Israeli land is the smart way to decide. Let the people decide their future, not some idiot politician whose main concern is getting votes for the next election, is the best thing to do.

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