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Rav Yitzchak Yosef Speaks with Channel 2

yyoRabbi Yitzchak Yosef, a candidate in the race to become Israel’s next Rishon L’Tzion, spoke with Channel 2 News’ Sivan Rahav-Meir. The rav pointed out his Magnum Opus, the Yalkut Yosef, explaining it is translated into many many languages including brail, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the set have been sold worldwide.


Why do we need a chief rabbi at all?


When the people will see a chief rabbi who is active and traveling from place to place, it will be clear that even for them, their opinion will change. There are many problems that must be addressed, including agunos. Who can see the pain and the crying of these women and not act. We do not have to impose unnecessary chumros on the people.


Some are not comfortable with the fact that your last name is “Yosef” and that Rav Ovadia, your father, is promoting a son for the post.


For many years, Abba advanced and promoted many rabbonim and the name of his sons were never mentioned. Now, persons close to Abba asked why his sons must suffer just because they are his son. It is clear that I have the credentials for the post. Those who know me are aware that in this race, it is not because of my father but I stand on my own merit.

For me the matter of achdus is paramount and I will work in this area along with the realization that we must preserve the Jewish character of the state. This is not a country like all others.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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