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Leon to Officially Announce his Candidacy in the Jerusalem Mayoral Race

jerFormer director of the Prime Minister’s Bureau in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s first term, Moshe Leon, is expected to officially announce his candidacy in the Jerusalem mayoral race in a media event on Monday, 15 Menachem Av 5773.

Incumbent Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat will have a difficult election against Leon, who appears to drawing chareidi support in addition to already being backed by the Yisrael Beitenu and Likud parties.

Leon, who is currently not a Jerusalem resident, will have to move to the capital from Givatayim. Campaign organizers feel that as a shomer Shabbat Jew he will draw votes from all camps, dati leumi, secular and hopefully the chareidi. Leon is a CPA by profession.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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