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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? Reply To: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment?


I read the piece you quoted quite well. and again thank you for providing it

during our previous discussion if I had asked you wahts worse Lashon harah or Lying. You would have said (I assume) they are equal since the punishment for the two is the same .

Yet here you see that there are other factors that are taken into account. Lashon harah is far more severe. although if course it doesnt get a more severe punishment than lying. (Certainly not today when there is no tzoras, though to be fair I guess there is no misas beis din either)

Furthrmore the Gemara in Eirachin 16a says there are 7 aveiros that get tzoras על שבעה דברים נגעים באין על לשון הרע ועל שפיכות דמים ועל שבועת שוא ועל גילוי עריות ועל גסות הרוח ועל הגזל ועל צרות העין

So which is worse גסות הרוח or neveila?

I thought of a few more exscellent rayos that severity is not always judged by onesh (I guess you’d view them more exceptions to add on to the 5 or so that we had already)

1) Sanhedrin 75: relates of a man who was lovestruck and would die unless he was with a woman, or saw her or or spoke to her . The Rabbonim refused although she was single (according to one man deamar)
where does talking to a single girl rank in terms of onesh?

and yet look how severe an aveira it is.

2) B”K 60: Brings the story of Daovid who asked the sanhedrin if he can destroy other’s money to save his life. Sanhedrin said no (except that he was a king so HE was allowed) Rashi learns this literally. IT is assur to save your life by destroying other’s property. (tos, and the Rosh among others argue and take it as a given that you can and learn the question there as whether youd have to pay)

See binyan Tzion 167 where he discussees this shaila lehalacha
See also teshuva 170 whregarding using a deceased’s organ “נלענ”ד דגם ע”פ שיטת התוספ’ והרא”ש אסור להציל החי ע”י ביזוי המת וכל שכן כיון דהביזוי והניוול הוא ודאי ואם יגיע הצלה לחי עי”ז הוא ספק ושב ואל תעשה עדיף”

So I ask you what is a worse aveira nivul hameis or chilul shabbos?
what is the onesgh for each?

According to Rashi whats worse stealing or chilul shabbos ?
again what is the onesh for each?

The unifying these among most exceptions is as I said that the gauge of severity based on onesh applies bein adom lemakom. Bein adom lechaveiro we find many explicit cases that sometimes a less severe punishment is a worse aveira. (Though The exception you provided last thread about marrying a goyah doesnt fit my rubric well which the Rambam warns you is very severe in spite of the onesh not being severe