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I finished studying the comprehensive and lumdish analysis of this issue in Tehumin, volume 31, by Rav Fishman
The issues discussed were:
1. היוצא מן הטמא
2. דג טהור שנבלע בדג טמא
3. מי רגליים של חמור, גמל וסוס
4. היתר דבש דבורים
5. כבוש כמבושל
6.בל תשקצו
Most of the topics discussed in the article were mentioned here, although obviously, not in detail. All suggestions made here (personal bal t’shaktzu, changing the taste of the coffee rendering it assur, and others ) were considered, so no one was off base in our amateur discussion.
Caveat: One can always be machmir. The question was is drinking this coffee permissible?
The conclusion was that the coffee is kosher and there is no issur of bal t”shaktzu. Muttar.
Even if we disagree on psak and lomdus, I venture we can all agree that this coffee is pricey.