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15-Year-Old Takes International Bible Contest

15-year-old Tzurit Berenson, of Nahariya, was the victor in Israel’s 60th anniversary International Bible Contest, held in the Jerusalem Theater on Thursday morning, Independence Day. The runner-up was Elad Finish of the Amit Yeshiva in Beersheva, who lost by one question in the runoff round.

The first prize trophy and accompanying certificate were presented to Tzurit by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. She also received a scholarship to Bar Ilan University. Tzurit, who was wearing an orange Gush Katif wrist bracelet handed the prime minister a letter which he placed in his jacket pocket.

Students from 37 countries participated in this year’s event including Canada, USA, Australia, Mexico, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Chile, Holland, Poland, South Africa, Bulgaria, Hungary, Turkey, Brazil, Uruguay, and Ireland.

Contest organizers added it appears the knowledge runs in Tzurit’s family, announcing her uncle, Doron Sopher, won first place a number of years ago and today he serves as a senior officer in the IDF.

This year’s contest was surrounded in controversy over the participation of Bat-El Levi of Yerushalayim, a Messianic Jew. Many leading rabbis called to boycott the event. She fell out of the competition relatively early into event.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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