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Agudas Yisrael MKs Head North, Working Hard to Bring the Votes

The four Agudas Yisrael MKs, Deputy Ministers Yaakov Litzman and Meir Porush and MKs Yisrael Eichler and Yaakov Tessler, headed to northern Israel to get their message out to potential votes, amid the realization the election will be extremely close, perhaps more so than the previous election for 21st Knesset in April 2019.

Their first stop was the Agudas Yisrael branch in Haifa, escorted by local party officials.

MK Eichler: All development of the chareidi community in Haifa is dependent on our success nationwide. If we do not have enough mandates, we will return to the opposition, and then Haifa will be in danger too – there will be nothing. No apartments, no infrastructure, no chizuk of Yiddishkeit, and nothing from the city”.

Deputy Minister Litzman: All the communities will unite to act together and to bring new kehillos in this time.

Deputy Minister Porush: Out task is to work with our daily contact with the public. Hundreds of people help us every day.

MK Tessler: We have a personal responsibility this time. We’ll get up in the morning with a chareidi failure and cannot believe it could have ended another way.

The foursome is also planning to visit Afula, Nof HaGalil (Nazareth), Tiveria, Chatzor and making the last stop in Tzefas on Monday.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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