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Motzei Shabbos News Round-Up From Israel

Due to the tense security situation along Israel’s northern border and in light of the threats coming from Hezbollah last week, the IDF Chief of Staff, Aviv Kochavi, has decided to extend the term of office of the IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Ronen Manalis whose tenure was supposed to end this coming Tuesday. The extension is for an undetermined length of time. The official appointment of his replacement, Brig Gen. Hidai Zilberman will be held at a different date in the future.

An IDF combat soldier was lightly injured after being hit by shrapnel from a grenade thrown by rioters in Gaza on Friday during their weekly mass riots and terror activities. As part of the violence, rioters threw hand-grenades and improvised explosive devices at Israeli security forces along the border fence. Some 6,000 joined the violence and riots.

Interim Chairperson of the Elections Committee, Judge Neil Hendel, postponed a hearing regarding the Likud petition to issue a cease-and-desist order against the publication of any leaks regarding the investigations surrounding Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu until Monday. Hendel hinted that the elections committee is not the proper body to deal with this issue and requested that the Prime Minister’s Attorney deal with the issue and state clearly why the Committee should deal with it. Likud had submitted their petition claiming that any leaks by the media or otherwise was a ploy to try to turn voters away from voting for the Likud in the upcoming election in 17 day’s time.

Hezbollah issued a statement to Lebanese press claiming that the drones that crashed in Beirut were launched from an Israeli ship in the Mediterranean.

A motor vehicle accident occurred on Shabbos on Highway 7626 near the town of Zarzir. 10 people were injured as a result of the accident, among them, three were in serious condition. EMS personnel from Magen David Adom and United Hatzalah treated the injured prior to their being transported to the hospital for further care.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. News Round-up should be re titled “”Motzei Shabbos News Round-up from Gaza and Northern border and Shabbos traffic accidents.”
    According to your weekly fake news report and photos, someone would think Israel is a war-torn and life threatening country. Israel is a beautiful and peaceful country blessed by G-d. Maybe reframe your report, “Motzei Shabbos good news from Israel. ” and thus encourage aliya too.

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