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Terrorist Responsible for Jerusalem ‘Refrigerator Attack’ is Dead

abuTerrorist Ahmed Jabara YM”S, known as Abu Sukhar, who was responsible for the 1975 Jerusalem “Refrigerator” terror attack died in Ramallah of a heart attack at the age of 78.

The master terrorist was sentenced to life imprisonment for his part in the attack that claimed 15 lives. He was released from an Israeli prison in 2003 after serving 27 years of his sentence in a good-will gesture ahead of the Aqaba Summit.

Former PA leader Yasser Arafat YS”VZ appointed him to oversee PA (Palestinian Authority) prisoner affairs following his release.

A booby-trapped refrigerator contained five kilograms of explosives in Zion Square in the center of Jerusalem, killing 15 people and wounding 77. A Jewish passerby, Shabtai Levi, helped the terrorist hoist the refrigerator onto the sidewalk. The refrigerator aroused the suspicions of Esther Landner and Yehuda Warshovsky, who worked near Zion Square. Landner called the police but as she was answering their questions, the refrigerator blew up.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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