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Obama: NYPD Commish Kelly Would Be ‘Well-Qualified’ for Homeland Security Post

kelPresident Barack Obama says New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly would be “well-qualified” to run the Department of Homeland Security.

Kelly has been floated as a possible replacement for outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. She’s leaving to take over the University of California system.

Obama didn’t confirm whether he is actively considering nominating Kelly, saying the commissioner “might be very happy where he is.” But Obama says if Kelly isn’t, he’d want to know about it because Kelly would be well-qualified for the Homeland Security post.

Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York has said he wants Obama to nominate Kelly.

The president spoke in an interview with Univision’s affiliate in the New York/New Jersey area.


One Response

  1. This is clearly a set up by Hussain to have Ms. Quinn elected as the next Mayor of NYC. Quinn has burnt her bridges with Kelly so this is the perfect way to clear any trouble from having Kelly around, come primary day. Don’t forget, if Weiner wins the election it will be a stinging defeat for Hussain! After all it was Hussain who forced Weiner to resign from Congress (after he publicly critisised Hussains comments regarding Israel going back to pre 67 borders)!

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