Reply To: Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS

Home Forums Controversial Topics Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS Reply To: Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS


The high number of comments on this topic tells me that the posters who oppose the temporary suspension of the statute of limitations on six crimes against children have little faith in the yeshivas to screen out the problem- atic teachers/rabbis. I have no idea of the scope of the problem of child abuse in yeshivas, but I think it is good that the secular authorities have increased the recourse of victims to seek civil relief.

I also have no idea how many unscrupulous Jews would bring fake lawsuits – i.e., real lawsuits with fake facts – to pick up some extra bucks at the expense of the yeshivas and the teachers/rabbis who work in them. Clearly, though, many of the posters think that number is high.